Saturday 12 July 2008

ThinkVantage Access Connections - now with extra bugs!

Having recently had my IBM Thinkpad T42p reinstalled (the now-standard annual Windows de-bloating surgery), I now find myself with a later version of IBM Lenovo ThinkVantage Access Connections. And it seems this new version is, ahem, shit. I find I really need Access Connections as I switch between multiple wireless networks and wired networks with different security, static/DHCP/DNS settings, etc.

It seems this new version can't add a new profile without crashing with the not so helpful message "ThinkVantage Access Connections Main GUI Application has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience". You'd think that this might have been a good feature to bug test a bit more thoroughly.

I even went to the trouble of installing System Update and through that, got the latest version of Access Connections - still the same version.

It seems I am not alone in encountering this problem, and fortunately, I found a workaround via this link (number 1 link on Google for "access connections crashes" - impressive!) which I thought I would share.

The workaround is to copy another profile then modify it. Far from ideal, but it'll keep me going for now. Anyone encountered a better solution?